Friday, October 3, 2008

The GOP Speaks

These best blogs are those you can actually watch and examine yourself. So, on that note I'll just post these video clips and let them stand on their on merit.

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) now playing 2008 VP Debate – Biden v. Palin


( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) now playing More the Same John McCain on Change (?)

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) now playing John McCain v. John McCain on John McCain

John McCain Debates Himself on Supporting Bush - The funniest home videos are here


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Faith Politics of Sarah Palin's

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) now playing Sarah Palin "Faith & Politics"

Of course as a man of God, I find it sad that her beliefs are being challenged, but that is the path that one takes when they decide to puruse "public" office. That's why I'm glad that I'm a "private" individual that can publicly profess my Lord and Savior without this level of scrutiny.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The 2008 DNC Revisted

Thanks for checking out this week’s blog covering the 2008 DNC. As a co-founder of Hip Hop Empowers the Vote! we are committed to providing a real-talk townhall platform to voters on college campuses to share in a dialogue about the issues that matter today and will affect tomorrow. In all fairness, I am voting for BARACK OBAMA for PRESIDENT on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4TH and I want that to be known at the outset. I am not a democrat or republican. As a theocrat, I vote independently after prayerfully considering my choices. Ultimately, I vote for God. Last election, I voted for the current administration to finish what it started, more specifically since my daughter Taylor accompanied to the polls, we voted for Condolezza Rice (smile).

This week at the DNC has been filled with memories that will last a lifetime. One of the most engrossing moments was the appearance of Senator Ted Kennedy. The legacy-building elders statesmen has endorsed change as is his prescription for an ailing economy, for a failing global response to attacks on our nationhood and the inability of the current administration which makes the cry of every American for a “season of hope” a reality. I encourage you to watch the clips in their entirety to edify yourself on the DNC’s agenda for the 2008 contest of the most important higher office of the free world – President of these United States.

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) A New Season…of Change | Senator Ted Kennedy’s DNC speech 08-25-08

Now, take the time to view the following clips beginning with the crowning event of the historic moment when America proved to the world that we are nation ready and desiring change.

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) A Tribute to Change | Barack Obama’s DNC videography introduction

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) The Dream Becomes Vision | Barack Obama’s historic DNC speech 8-28-08

MY TWO CENTS: Within the confines of this historic speech citizen BO shows he knows fighting back verbalizing his platform very effectively, picking up his slingshot to pelt the Goliath-like maverick McCain with a retort that sent republicans scrambling for a response. After such a counterpunch to his strategic assaults against BO, the McCain response is to nominate a woman running mate in the hopes of scooping up disappointed Hillary Rodham-Clinton supporters that maybe straddling the fence. This is a crafty tactic…

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) The Statesman Speaks | Al Gore’s DNC speech 8-28-08

MY TWO CENTS: The two-time vice president and former presidential candidate who is a champion for green causes used this opportunity to remind voters of how easily the opposing party can steal the thunder of what the public desires with crafty intent. His appearance was an added-value attraction that solidified the ecological, environmental platform with a credible source that has a proven heritage of presenting a global perspective with local relevance to Americans.

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) I’ve Got Your Back | Joe Biden’s DNC speech 08-27-08


( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) Mr. Bill Keeps it Real Pt 1 | Bill Clinton’s DNC speech intro 08-27-08

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) Mr. Bill Keeps it Real Pt 2 | Bill Clinton’s DNC speech 08-27-08

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) Mr. Bill Keeps it Real Pt 3 | Bill Clinton’s DNC speech 08-27-08

MY TWO CENTS: Wow!!! This is why he continues to be one of the most revered holders of the Oval Office for his ability to galvanize hearers with his oratory skills. He is a statesmen that is a dynamic presenter that truly knows how to connect with his audience.

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) I’m A Team Player Pt 1 | Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech intro 08-26-08

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) I’m A Team Player Pt 2 | Hillary Clinton’s DNC speech intro 08-26-08

MY TWO CENTS: As someone that has been very critical of the Clintons who formerly held top-of-mind status with me, I was overjoyed to see them move beyond their disappointment as unifiers that recognize the greatness of this candidacy and the importance of retaining the legacy that they have and continue to establish. Without a doubt this is one of the classiest concessions in and outside of politics. And Hillary always looks wonderful in those pants suits too (smile).

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) The Chief Counsel Speaks Pt 1 | Michelle Obama’s DNC speech 08-25-08

( ( ( sDOTtv ) ) ) The Chief Counsel Speaks Pt 2 | Michelle Obama’s DNC speech 08-25-08

MY TWO CENTS: Okay, I cannot remain objective at all when it comes to this woman. She has poise, integrity, fortitude and is driven to achieve placing family first and foremost. My daughter loves the Obama girls and their mom and until recently I didn’t get it, but now that I do – I’m glad. She is a wonderful cheerleader for the future leader of a changed world.

NEXT WEEK…equal time will be given to the RNC in order to present a bi-partisan platform so that you, the voting public, can make an informed decision. I encourage each of you to prayerfully consider your choices, weigh the issues and allow your personal convictions to lead you to making the choice that gives voice to your issues and concerns.

God’s favor,

“I’m a theocrat…I vote for God”
( ( ( s C m ) ) )

“And because of His Words many more became believers.” – John 4:41

Friday, August 8, 2008

A Word of Jehu (Barack Obama)

( ( ( sDOTcast ) ) ) now playing ALPHA "Obama O8"

Obama 08 (Do The Knowledge) - alpha.

Artist: alpha.
Title: Obama '08 (Do the Knowledge)
Producer: J. Brookinz
Engineer: Warren 'Three V' Harris
Encoding: Shadowkat Nightson

Obama 'O8 (Do the Knowledge)

Aight; Let's do the knowledge)8/4, 61, Barack ObamaWas born out in H-A-W-A-I IMoved, to Jakarta at the age of 6(Then) back for fifth until he graduated then,He,Left the island, to study in LAFor a couple of years, till Columbia U saidHey, you could transfer and finish from hereSo he finished his BA in NY and the year was83, (so) before he started off his careerHe worked a couple of gigs in the city until85, when he got an offer out in the Chi,to help assist the community and or a ga nizeUhHe entered in, to Harvard Law, at 88And while I'm here on the subject, let me set it straightWhat he did wasn't easy to do,(bein) the first black prez of the Law Review(Then he)Graduated w/ his justice degree,magna cum laude 2 years (from) 93(Then it was), back to the Chi, voter registration driveAnd to publish, Dreams from my Father in 95Uh(Put in) work as, associate attorney, and taught law, part time while along his journey;Despite his hard work, accusations would fall to him,But, never implicated of wrongdoinAnd, in July, the summer of 95, to rep for the south side and hyde parks existenceHe embarked on a campaign, fought and then gained control Chicago's 13th a DistrictWhich included legislation pertainin interrogations of murders to be fully recordedAnd monitor in place, for cops about race,in hopesprofilin could be aviodedre elected to Ill Senate in 88;again in 02, but took a L in double 0Which was a house of, reps race, to which he lost out, in a margin of two of theirs to one of yoursBut in 03, became the chair for the Illinois, Senate's Health, and Human ser-vi-cescommittee,-where democrats, after bein a decade, of the mi-norty ,were now majorityHe enacted a little heat, on subjects we rarely speak, and whether he voted, and really meant itBut he kept his composure,right up until 04,and he was elected toUS, Senate(This was a)Quite, significant victory, in a city, a state, and a country, in love with imagery(His 70% of the vote) was the largest electoral victory in all of Illinois historyNot to mention deliverin to the DNC, (the) keynote address, which launched him into high sightsTo him gettin sworn in, on 1/4 of 05, is just another notch on his highlightsAnd this made him the fifth afro american senator, and the third one popularly electedAnd the fact he's the ONLY Congressional Black Caucus Senator member should really not be neglectedA loyal democrat, supporter of many acts, spannin from 05-07, is evident(And)the second month, of 07, before the old state cap, in springfield, he bid, for presidentAnd the rest, as they say, is history,So, whether or not, its a wide, or close raceConsider this, my audio cliff notesYou should get to know who you're votin forin 08